Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam



The Tamouh - Asia Phu My project is a masterful blend of innovative design and natural beauty, drawing inspiration from the floating villages of the Mekong Delta.

Central to the project's concept is the replication of the river's waterscape into the villa clusters, where swimming pools in the backyards of each residence create a seamless connection to the natural water elements that define the region. This design element not only offers luxurious amenities but also preserves and celebrates the essence of the Mekong Delta’s waterscape.

The entire masterplan is designed with pedestrian and electric buggy access on the ground floor, promoting a tranquil and eco-friendly environment. Vehicular access is thoughtfully relegated to the basement, ensuring that the surface remains a safe and serene space for residents. Each house has direct access to the basement, allowing for a private entrance that enhances security and convenience.

The landscape architecture of Tamouh - Asia Phu My fosters a unique connection to the environment. By integrating swimming pools into the backyard of each villa, residents can enjoy the tranquility and beauty of water right at their doorstep. The pools serve as private extensions of the river, enhancing both the aesthetic and experiential quality of the living spaces.

Surrounded by lush gardens, the villas "green up" the site with trees and shadows, creating a microclimate that benefits both the environment and the residents. The design philosophy emphasizes sustainability, using natural elements to improve the quality of life and reduce the ecological footprint.

The project also incorporates floating decks over the natural wetlands, bringing back the feeling of the floating villages. Lives revolve around the water, and this design acknowledges the cultural and environmental significance of the Mekong Delta. By reintroducing water as a central element, the project not only enhances the visual appeal but also encourages a lifestyle that is harmonious with nature.

In essence, the Tamouh - Asia Phu My project is a testament to sustainable and innovative design. It respects and preserves the natural wetlands, integrates modern amenities seamlessly, and creates a harmonious living environment that reflects the cultural heritage of the Mekong Delta.


Work in progress